Hi, first of all, thank you so much for buying the calendar and supporting The Burnt Chef Project.

My name is Vojtech Vegh, I am a zero-waste and plant-based chef and author of the book ‘Surplus: The Food Waste Guide for Chefs’. I like to challenge the way we think; especially about food, and I am convinced that edible food belongs on the plate.

As I am committed to helping chefs prevent food waste in restaurants, in early 2023 I shot a few photos of vegetables that were prepared in multiple ways, as an inspiration to maximize the use of our ingredients.

Those photos have quickly received a lot of positive feedback, so I decided to turn it into an entire series. A few months later, I selected some of the photos with the most popular ingredients and printed them in this calendar, so they can decorate your kitchen, chef’s office, or even your living room.

But it doesn’t end there. The calendar is a fundraising project, with all the profits donated to The Burnt Chef Project.

The Burnt Chef Project is a globally recognised not-for-profit social enterprise, that challenges mental health stigma within the hospitality industry. Almost all of us had some rough days in the kitchen, and no one to talk with about our mental struggles.

The Burnt Chef Project offers completely free and confidential support to all of us in the industry. Certainly something I would appreciate in my early years in the kitchen.

Mental health is a massive issue that many people are not open to talk about, as we often are told to ‘suck it up’, until we just can’t anymore, so I am very proud to support their work. Thanks again for your purchase.

Calendar photo descriptions


12 ways of an onion

Roasted onion
Sauteed onion
Onion rings
Cooked onion petals
Pickled onion
Caramelized onion leather
Onion powder
Onion skin powder
Onion ash

Caramelized onion puree
Onion reduction
Onion puree


12 ways of an avocado

Fresh avocado slices
Avocado dice
Avocado puree
Fresh avocado seed
Avocado sorbet
Avocado seed sirup
Avocado seed tea (avocado skin as a vessel)
Avocado skin tea (avocado skin as a vessel)
Grated fresh avocado seed
Dried avocado seed powder

Charred avocado


10 ways of an asparagus

Slices of raw asparagus
Asparagus powder
Blanched asparagus
Fermented asparagus
Pickled asparagus shavings
Marinated asparagus shavings
Charred asparagus
Sauteed asparagus
Powder from fermented trimmings

Woven ribbons of steamed asparagus


16 ways of broccoli

Roasted broccoli
Fermented broccoli
Pickled broccoli
Broccoli puree
Broccoli pesto
Broccoli stalk coleslaw
Roasted broccoli stalk
Grated broccoli stalk
Cooked broccoli stalk
Brined broccoli stalk
Fermented broccoli stalk
Pickled broccoli stalk
Dried fermented broccoli stalk
Broccoli powder
Fermented broccoli trimmings powder

Steamed broccoli


28 ways of a carrot

Outer circle clockwise:
Cooked carrot
Pickled carrot
Fermented carrot
Candied carrot
Carrot jelly
Carrot leather
Carrot juice
Carrot top juice
Salted carrot top stems
Fermented carrot top stems
Pickled carrot top stems
Fresh carrot tops
Pickled carrot tops
Fermented carrot tops
Crispy carrot tops
Carrot top powder
Carrot top sugar

Inner circle clockwise:
Marinated carrot shavings
Crispy carrot skins
Carrot puree
Carrot sorbet
Carrot jam
Carrot stock reduction
Carrot sirup
Carrot top salsa
Carrot top pesto
Carrot top oil

Roasted carrot


26 ways of cauliflower

Outer circle clockwise:
Steamed cauliflower
Fermented cauliflower (with turmeric)
Pickled cauliflower
Roasted cauliflower
Cauliflower shavings
Pickled cauliflower leaf stems
Fermented cauliflower leaf stems
Raw cauliflower stalk slices
Caramelised cauliflower
Pickled cauliflower stalk
Fermented cauliflower stalk
Roasted cauliflower leaf
Fermented cauliflower leaf
Pickled cauliflower leaf
Cauliflower leaf powder
Fermented cauliflower trimming powder

Inner circle clockwise:
Cauliflower puree
Cauliflower stalk and leaf coleslaw
Grated cauliflower stalk
Steamed cauliflower leaf stems
Cauliflower leaf stem chutney
Grated cauliflower
Brined cauliflower leaf
Marinated cauliflower leaves
Crispy cauliflower leaves

Cured cauliflower


31 ways of watermelon

Outer circle clockwise:
Marinated watermelon
Defrosted watermelon
Watermelon cooked in sirup
Candied watermelon rind
Cooked watermelon rind
Pickled watermelon
Fermented watermelon
Pickled watermelon rind
Fermented watermelon rind in brine
Watermelon juice
Clarified watermelon juice
Watermelon jerky
Chewy watermelon
Watermelon chips
Watermelon leather
Toasted watermelon seeds
Watermelon seed powder
Watermelon skin powder
Fermented watermelon rind powder
Watermelon powder

Inner circle clockwise:
Watermelon sirup
Blanched watermelon rind ribbons
Marinated watermelon rind ribbons
Fermented grated watermelon rind
Salted grated watermelon rind
Watermelon rind chutney
Watermelon rind salsa
Charred watermelon
Watermelon jam
Watermelon sorbet

Fresh watermelon


12 ways of artichoke

Cooked artichoke heart
Roasted artichoke heart
Pickled artichoke heart
Fermented artichoke heart
Cooked artichoke leaves
Artichoke heart puree
Puree from artichoke scraps
Artichoke leaf tea
Artichoke flower tea
Artichoke heart chips
Dried artichoke flowers

Boiled artichoke head


32 ways of beetroot

Outer circle clockwise:
Cooked beetroot
Roasted beetroot
Marinated beetroot stalk
Beetroot jelly
Pickled beetroot
Sauteed beetroot stems
Pickled beetroot stems
Fermented beetroot stems
Fermented beetroot
Pickled beetroot leaf
Steamed beetroot stem
Steamed beetroot leaf
Marinated beetroot leaf
Candied beetroot
Chewy beetroot
Rehydrated beetroot
Crispy beetroot leaf
Dried fermented beetroot leaf
Beetroot jerky
Beetroot leather
Beetroot powder

Inner circle clockwise:
Beetroot gel
Beetroot sorbet
Sauteed beetroot leaves
Raw beetroot slice
Marinated beetroot
Beetroot juice
Beetroot puree
Beetroot sirup

Center from left:
Fresh beetroot leaf
Beetroot chips
Beetroot carpaccio


12 ways of red cabbage

Pickled red cabbage
Red cabbage sauerkraut
Brine fermented red cabbage
Marinated red cabbage
Stewed red cabbage
Red cabbage puree
Sliced red cabbage core
Grated red cabbage core
Red cabbage juice
Fried red cabbage leaf
Red cabbage powder

Roasted red cabbage


23 ways of butternut squash

Outer circle clockwise:
Cooked butternut squash
Roasted butternut squash
Grated butternut squash
Candied butternut squash
Marinated butternut squash
Butternut squash juice
Fried butternut squash skin
Whole baked butternut squash
Candied butternut squash skin
Butternut squash leather
Crispy butternut squash skin
Puffed butternut squash chips
Fried butternut squash seeds
Butternut squash seed powder
Butternut squash powder

Inner circle clockwise:
Butternut squash puree
Butternut squash sorbet
Butternut squash sirup
Fermented butternut squash
Pickled butternut squash
Butternut squash jam

Smoked butternut squash
Butternut squash chips


18 ways of banana

Pan-fried banana skin
‘Coronation’ banana skin
Banana skin ‘pulled pork’
Pickled banana skin
Pickled banana
Fermented banana
Banana skin tepache
Banana jam
Banana skin ‘bacon’
Chewy banana
Banana chips
Banana leather

Center from top left:
Banana skin toffee sauce
Banana sorbet
Banana skin sirup
Fresh banana
Grilled banana
Caramelized banana
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